Author Archives: David Öqvist

Support my work with Ko-fi
If you enjoy my content and like to see more, you are now able to buy me a coffee to motivate and keep me going! Ko-fi is a great website that helps creators get support from people who love what … Continue reading

The Scandinavian darkness.
Traditionally Scandinavian painters has known for capturing the magic, intense nordic light. But the reality is that the nordic countries are covered in darkness for the most part of the year. My goal is to capture that magic darkness with … Continue reading

New York in Stockholm
A lifelong dream came true when I got to have my own art show in New York. During my stay I captured the great city with my sketchbook. I used the best sketches and produced paintings for this show. Where: … Continue reading

”If I paint their eyes, they would fly away.”
The legendary Chinese artist Zhang Sengyou 張僧繇 was asked to paint a mural in a temple. He painted four dragons but left out the pupils in their eyes. When the people asked him why Zhang explained that if he painted the pupils, … Continue reading

I want to see the craft
David Öqvist’s first exhibition in New York featured ink paintings of the great city. “The method was quite simple, explore and capture the city with a sketchbook. Then later the same day use the best sketches to create sumi-e … Continue reading

“Ljummen jul och ett blaskigt nyår, kung bores slaskiga labyrinter, oavsett väderlek vi uppleva får, ännu en vargavinter”

Cold birch
40 x 25 cm, Ink on paper, 2013. Early spring, cold white birchtrees. High res. Contact me if you like to purchase this painting.

YogTowers for charity
Brittish Youtubers the Yogscast are currently raising funds for OXFAM, a vibrant global movement fighting poverty. To support this great initiative I’ve drawn this illustration, showing their efforts during their entertaining livestreams, broadcasted from the Yogscast’s office known as Yogtowers. The original artwork … Continue reading

Building Yogtowers
This past christmas, Brittish podcasters/youtubers Yogscast raised funds for Oxfam. To support this great initiative I’ve drawn this illustration, showing their effort during the livestreams, broadcasted from the Yogscast office, known as Yogtowers. I hope to to contribute to this great cause … Continue reading

Konst till Sveriges bästa konstförening!
Ett tips till alla konstnärer som har verk att sälja men har svårt att hitta köpare är att vända sig till någon av Sveriges alla tusentals konstföreningar. I dagarna sålde jag 2 verk till civilekonomernas konstförening, Sveriges (i min mening) … Continue reading

Första intrycket
Min första tuschmålning med stadsmotiv blev bra. Så bra att jag fortsatte måla tuschmålningar med stadsmotiv. Min syster Sara fyllde år och jag bestämde mig för att måla en tuschmålning till henne. Den veckan hade jag fått en hög med fototidningar … Continue reading